#south Korea r&d
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princessmaeee · 1 month ago
U N E X P E C T E D _ P A R T I
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・ Hello ! So this is the first Part of « Unexpected » I feel like it's a mid start, but I guess all artist are the same, not 100% satisfied with their work. So, tell me what you think of this start. We're not gonna see Ji Yong that much in this first part, cause I needed to set up the arrival of Reader in the city and talk about her a little bite and why she's there and everything. We need the Why, where, when and how. So there you go, let me now what you taught about it and I apologies in advance for any mistakes you could find. ・Taglist : @thanosscross - @rafesbunniebby
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_ Amy, For the last time, I said No !
Walking back from school, you talked with your best friend Amy about the same subject for the umpteenth time this week. Her dad, who live In South Korea, works  as a Manager for groups in a music company called YG Entertainment. He told her they will have auditions at the beginning of Summer to find new talents and since Amy is a popular singer on Tik Tok and has many followers, she’s sure to find her place there. The only thing is ; She needs you with her. She needs you for emotional support but also because you are the creator of all her successful songs. You wrote every song she sang and made the music behind everything she put online. Unfortunately you can’t afford to go In South Korea for the whole summer. You have an apartment to pay, bills , a job to pay school. You have your boring adult life and duties, not like your best friend who still Live with her mother and drops out School. 
_Y/N please I really need you. I want you there with me and I'm gonna need a New song for the audition. I need you to work with me on it. _You can totally take one of your old songs. You know I can’t afford that. If I could, you know I will agree to go to support you. But I can’t … _My brother want to leave the house but he’s not sure yet, maybe if You accept to rent your apartment for the Summer, You will have a problem solved, right ? _Yeah, Kinda ? What about my job ? What about my next school session ? I need to pay it. _I will ask my mom to pay for it ? Please, I really want you to come. My dad agreed to pay the plane ticket for both of Us. Since the time I talk about you he’s really excited to meet you. _I don’t know…I’m not really comfortable letting your mom pay for my things …
Amy didn’t stop trying to convict you to come with her and You finally agree IF you didn’t had any thing except your own personal stuff to pay once you gonna be In Seoul and IF her mom can pay for your school. Of course you plan to give the money back if she can at least help on that, it will help you and make your friend Happy.
So this is how you found yourself, some weeks later in the Plan, direction Seoul in South Korea. During the fly, Amy didn’t stop talking about all the handsome artists her dad work with and some other groups this label have. You just nodded and listen and forget everything she said 20 minutes later since you didn’t really care. You only go there for her as her best friend, supporter and first Fan. 
_Oh this is Big Bang, they’re so good. Really handsomes, amazing dancers, pretty voices, I like them so much and can’t wait to met them
She show you a picture of the group. You didn’t feel as impressed as she was. When you gave a look at when they started you raised an eyebrow. They’re probably older than you.
_They’re way older than you… _And ? _Oh I don’t know, the way you talk about them, with this little sparkle in the eyes makes me feel like you want to marry one of them, you answered as a joke.
You saw her cheeks becoming a little more pink as she took her phone back and looked at the picture with a smile.
_Honestly, they’re the ones who gave me courage to start singing. I always wanted to be as badass as them, as good as them. I hope one day we can work together. Also, when I was younger I had a Huge crush on the leader. His stage name is G-Dragon, but his real name is Ji-Yong. Look at how hot he is.
She showed you a picture. Her little story was really cute and more impressive than the guy she talked about. You gave a quick look at the pictures she had on her phone before giving it back.
_Yeah he’s … kinda Cute, I guess. _Oh, maybe you're gonna find a Boyfriend there ? That will be so nice and also adorable. Your first boyfriend, met during a Summer trip. It sound So… -K-Drama Core. No thank you. If I am to get myself a Boyfriend I will prefer him to live closer to me. Not millions miles away. _Y/N Why are you so dramatic ? Can you just let yourself go to some little fantasies ? _I wish I could. 
If life was a little bit more gentle with you before, maybe you would still have been like Amy ; Positiv, hopeless romantic with a lot of hopes for many things. Unfortunately you lost this little sparkle over time, but you still try to appreciate what you have, like this trip. Even if you’re not over the moon like your friend, You are still really happy to live this experience, it will change a lot from your boring life.
You even get this chance to learn some Korean Words or basic sentences. Even If your friend speaks perfectly Korean, you want to be able to do things on your own. 
- … -
The flight was Long and once you got out of the airport, you only wanted to Sleep. It was around 7am when you arrived. You were pretty tired but being here, in a new city, you felt so inspired and got Ideas for a new song, making you smile.
Amy’s father was the one who came to get you at the airport. Your friend was so happy to see her father and just jumped in his arms, talking in Korean to each other, until she introduced you to his Appa, who means father from what you learned. 
You also were introduced to Hang Min, his Son, who’s Amy Half-brother. You bowed respectfully and tried to introduce yourself In korean. They both smiled, happy to see you tried.
The ride to Amy’s father’s place wasn’t that long, but since they both talked in their language, you used that time to write in your phone some words for the beginning of your next song, well, more for Amy than for You, actually. You hummed the beat, trying to think the words could all fit together, moving your head and shoulder under the sound in your heads.
_You got Ideas  for a New song ? Amy asked _Yeah, I write it on my phone to not lose the words. But I will put it in my notebook once we're gonna be at your father’s place. And after that I'm gonna go to sleep. _As you should, said Hang Min, cause Tonight I will bring you somewhere to celebrate your arrival.  _Is that just a reason to bring your friends and drink ? Asked Amy
Hang Min smiled at his Sister before he answered in Korean. You noticed Amy called him an idiot and smiled. You are not the type who likes to go out and drink but, somehow you feel like tonight could be special. Maybe, for once you could allow yourself again to let yourself go and just enjoy life and trust it again.
The house was bigger than you thought. Amy Step Mom is an actress, so it explains the beautiful house. They even have a Pool.
Once arrived In Amy’s room, you let your stuff in a corner and just let yourself down on the bed, closing, closing your eyes. Sleep came to quickly, you didn’t had time to write your new song idea, but at least you have it in Your phone so it can still wait.
You woke up around 2 Pm, Amy was already awake and talked With Hang Min in the living room. He said he will bring you both to a special Bar where Kpop artists usually go if they want to have some fun and drink a little. After all, they can’t really go where they want without being chased by paparazzi. Amy didn’t stay in place, happy with the idea of meeting a hot guy who’s also in the entertainment Industry. That’s where Hang Min slowed her down by saying many normal people like all of you can go too. You just need to act cool in front of the artist since most of the ‘’ normal ‘’ people are close to managers or music writers or even, sometimes other artist kids.
You passed the afternoon with Amy to write her a new song for the audition. She asked her dad If you and her could go at YG tomorrow to use the recording studio. He said He will ask his boss and will be back as quick as possible, with the answer. You didn’t feel really inspired with her topic for the song. It was about love, something new, something cute, but you worked hard on the lyrics until she approved it. The love topic is not an easy one for you since your ex. You wrote about him when you broke up, but never showed Amy. You have a lot of songs about your inner feelings that you never showed. It’s like your little secret garden and you don't plan to show it to someone so soon.
_My dad said Yes ! Screamed Amy when she got her reply form her dad, we can go Tomorrow between 11am and 13pm.  _Two hours to record a song and create music ? It’s not enough… _The audition is in three days, we can still ask for the studio again, maybe. _I hope, Otherwise you gonna have to choose an Old song. I will not rush a creation just for An audition.
Amy and You continued to work on the lyrics until it was time to Eat. Hang Min had cooked something you never tried before and It was amazing. After, you jump in a Shower and prepare yourself to go to the bar. You put on a ( F/C ) dress, some jewels, styled your hair and put on some makeup. When you looked at your reflection, you smiled, pretty satisfied. Amy commented on how hot you looked before going into the car.
It was around 10pm when you entered the Bar. It was huge and noisy and of course full of people. Some were at the bar, talking, others were on the dancefloor, dancing. You never heard of the song who’s playing but it had a good beat and it was enjoyable.
_Okey so, open your localisation or your phone. If we lost each other and we followed a guy and he’s a serial killer at least the other gonna knew where we were. And if we just leave with someone, don’t forget to met me at the Studio of YG for 11am. I will text you the adresse. _Do you plan to just hook up with a stranger tonight ? You asked, confused. _Maybe, or at least make out with one and get pretty drunk. But I will not let you alone. We gonna drink a little bite with my brother and his friends, go to the dancefloor and if we notice a hot guy we can just… let ourself go.
You rolled your eyes as an answer, not sure that your friend have the best idea but you didn’t say a thing. Her dad lives in Korea but because of her mom she never came here often. I guess there’s nothing bad about having the time of her life. 
_I just hope you are not gonna fall for a serial killer, you answered as you received the address of YG for tomorrow. _Well, Killers are hot, she said with a smile.
As the evening goes, you met Hang Min’s friend, they were all really nice and welcoming, except one girl who was too much over your best friend’s brother, always calling him ‘’ oppa ‘’ with a cring fake cute voice. She somehow made it clear, she loves Hang Min and seems to see you like a threat or something. 
You can’t remember how much you drank. You just took every shot Amy gave you. You don’t even remember the last time you drank that much and you didn’t really care. If Amy was to get wasted, you will not play the sober friend. For once, you want to let yourself go. You always were so serious those last year, you made jokes with your best friend but since your last breakup, you always felt like you faked everything. You play the girl who doesn't care about anything, who doesn't need a guy, who doesn't need love, but you secretly envy your friend to be able to dream, to hope, to be able to let herself go without caring. Tonight, you want to be like that too and if you regret, well.. you will forget everything once you get home. This trip is a one time shot in your life and you don’t want to waste it. 
Following your friend on the dancefloor, you looked at the floor above you, making eye contact with a guy with colored hair. You noticed he smiled at you and softly waved his hand. You smile back before you turn back your attention on Amy, dancing with her.
The loud music, the alcohol running through your body, you felt frozen in time, dancing like the night will never end, until you finally noticed that your friend wasn’t there anymore. She just disappeared without even warning you.  Rolling your eyes, you decided to let her do what she want and just continue to dance until you felt a hand on your hips and someone telling in your ear.
_Mind if I join you ?
You turned around and smiled when you saw the guy who was on the second floor not that long ago. As an answer you put your arms around his neck, moving your body through the rhyme of the music as he does the same.
_I  had my eyes on you since you entered the bar. You look pretty hot. What’s your name ?  _I’m Y/N  _Nice to meet you, I’m Ji Yong.
You smiled again, not used to this, but the alcohol gave you some courage to do stuff you would never do if you were sober. Maybe because you were too shy ? Or because you have a lack of confidence ? Maybe both.
Still dancing with Ji yong, you quickly noticed he was good at this. Your back was on his chest, his hands on your hips, making you move as the rhythm of the music and you just naturally follow his lead. You could feel his lips brushing the skin of your neck, making your body shiver, eager for more. You hand slid in his hair. You pressed your ass a little bite more against him, still moving. Your cheeks start becoming red when you feel something hard between you and him. You knew exactly what it was and you liked the feeling it gave you, making you move more sensually on him, making Ji yong grip your hips more.
_Maybe we should go somewhere else, princess, he said, in your ear, You 're driving me a little too much crazy to stay here.
You turned around and look at him with a smirk on your face
_Leade the way, you answered.
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councilofcastamere · 4 months ago
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a b r i d g e m e n t : Y/N Y/L/N, South Korea’s rising starlet, is glamour itself. Everything in her might shines, and outside of it isn’t her problem.
She knows that if the nation were to know about her affair with Kim Taehyung, South Korea’s notorious blues singer, and most sought after bachelor, all of that will overshadow all that she did. All that she accomplished.
So, this love affair only happens at night. Swift kisses and gone by the morning.
A / N : just a quick scribble,, enjoy it though
You sat at the small hotel room, long legs outstretched by the small coffee table. Your gentle hands fiddled with the small telephone cord, the ring prevalent to your ears.
You considered picking up to him. To hear his gentle words, his conniving suggestions.
After all, the reason you were in this cramped hotel room was him. Only him.
You both couldn’t have afforded to let your house be the house where these rendezvous took place. The paparazzi and press were nothing but mosquitoes, flying around all over the hills and all over the neighbourhood.
So you settled on this small motel. It was cheap, but not too cheap. Too cheap is where all the trashy stars went who didn’t care if they got caught or not.
It was clean, but it wasn’t exactly five star service.
You signed under the name ‘Miss Kennedy.” You loved that name. You loved the Kennedy’s. An American dynasty.
“Miss Kennedy…” you mumbled into the phone, close to your lips. “That’s what I’m signed as.”
“I’ll come to you.” his quiet words promised, as you could hear the sound of a running car. “I miss you like hell. I swear, it’s eating at me the more I think about it.”
A small smile graced your lips.
“I missed you too.” you mumbled, already managing to sneak a cuban cigar into your mouth. “I miss that little frown you do.”
“I miss that little pose you do.” he counters, smiling. “The way you always push your knees to your chest when you sit. It’s like you curl up into a ball.”
You only chuckled into the phone.
“Come here quick, before I change my mind.” you whispered, smiling fondly.
You glanced at the black dress thrown over the mirror, a grin on your lips.
“And trust me.” you smiled, your thumb stroking the black phone. “You do not want that.”
“…stay the fuck there.” he answers, his voice firm. “Trust. I’m at your door in five.”
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authorhjk1 · 2 years ago
Take what you can (Female idols X Male reader)
After you bought another company in South Korea, you decided to settle down there. You never thought you would become one of the richest men in the country, or the most lucky when it comes to girls. Especially one kind of girls: kpop idols.
This book is my second one after the other book I wrote got deleted, this time I will save the whole story somewhere else, in case this happens again. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you will still enjoy this one.
Feel free to request idols and scenarios.
I don't own any of the pictures and everything, and everyone in this story is fictional. Similarities to real people and companies are just a coincidence.
Requests: R
(Momoland's Ahin X Malre Reader)
(Aespa's Karina X Male Reader)
A night in Chengdu
(Kep1er's Xiaoting X Male Reader)
((G)-idle's Miyeon and Soyeon X Male Reader)
A tie, handcuffs, and another hotel
(Le sserafim's Chaewon X Red Velvet's Joy X Male Reader)
Morning Workout
(Alice's Sohee X Male Reader)
(Itzy's Ryujin and Yuna X Male Reader)
(Momoland's Ahin X Dj Soda X Male Reader)
Duck Season
((G)-idle's Yuqi X Choi Yena X Male Reader)
Princess and Mochi
(Ive's Wonyoung and Rei X Male Reader)
Stairway to heaven
(Itzy's Yuna X Male Reader)
Water gymnastics
(Blackpink's Lisa X Male Reader)
Interlude: Lonely
(IU X (G)-idle's Miyeon X Male Reader)
Interlude: My crazy ex
(Dreamcatcher's Gahyeon X Male Reader)
Doctor's Orders
(Dreamcatcher's Yoohyeon and SuA X Male Reader)
(decided after a poll)
Interlude: Doctor appointment turns into bunny breeding session
(Dreamcatcher's Jiu X Male Reader)
Halloween Interlude: The archer and the heiress
(Girls' Generations' Tiffany and Taeyeon X Male Reader)
Pool Party
(Momoland's Ahin and Nancy X Male Reader)
Interlude: Above the sky
(IU X Twice's Sana X Male Reader)
Interlude: Ms. Satan
(Dreamcatcher's SuA X Male Reader)
Taming her (Part 1)
(Red Velvet's Joy and Yeri X Male Reader)
Interlude: Venice
(IU X Male Reader)
Interlude: Training
(Karina X Ahin X Male Reader)
28 Sins (coming soon)
A group projekt (coming soon)
A trip to Canada (coming soon)
Empty dorm (coming soon)
Taming her (Part 2) (coming soon)
Fearless Kkura [Special episode] (coming soon)
Contract extension (coming soon)
Your own movie (coming soon)
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yanxidarlings · 8 months ago
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newer works for hetalia
latin america, mongolia
older works for hetalia
america, australia, prussia, romano, turkey, finland, ukraine, england, nordics
shy with america
superhero-esque with america
platonic yandere with america
daydreams with america
uncivilised with england
victorian poc with england
childhood friend with hong kong
heartbroken with the axis
disappointed with the axis
anxious with the axis
unhappily married with the allies
aroace with the allies
lesbian with the allies
refusing to eat with the allies
insecure with the nordics
sickly with the italy brothers
pugnacious with the german brothers
psychopath with eng-ita-ame
androphobia with eng-spa-can
otome with ger-eng-ame
bosses relative with ger-eng-ame
sociable with ger-eng-rus
sharing with ger-eng-pru
lovestruck with ger-swe-spa
reciprocated yandere with rus-ame
rejected proposal with rus-ger
austria vs switzerland
ukraine vs belarus
hungary vs romania
england vs romania
russia vs germany
america vs russia
america vs germany (p2, p3)
norway vs iceland
hong kong vs south korea
greece vs turkey vs egypt
D,M,Z with america
F,H,I with america
C,D,H with prussia
D,A,Y with australia
J,Q,U with the baltics
D,W,Z with ame-can-fra
X,S with eng-ger-rus
F,L,M with eng-pru
B,J,T with rus-ame
E,K,R with ice-jap
A,P,Y with hk-tai-mac
unrequited yandere
fake broken
the draft has been started
romano and prussia sharing a darling
male belarus, ukraine and russia sharing a darling
latin america sharing a darling
general yandere asia
list of old inbox requests i might get to oneday
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sharing, individual headcanons, bully! slytherins, obscurial! reader
mattheo & theodore, mattheo & blaise, cormac & zacharias, ravenclaw boys
zacharias smith, anthony goldstein, cormac mclaggen
the draft has been started
boggart reactions of slytherin, ravenclaw and hufflepuff boys
list of inbox requests ill get to oneday
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chris manawa
daryl and merle, bromigos
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usafphantom2 · 3 months ago
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Blackbird pilot recalls the mission where a Soviet MiG-25 Foxbat fired a missile at his SR-71
Soviet MiG-25 pilot tells why Foxbats were not able to fire a single missile at SR-71 Blackbird Mach 3 spy planes
The Soviet MiG-25
The “holy grail” of the soviet air defense system: shooting down a Blackbird
Missile fired at an SR-71
MiG-25 at risk of being shot down by its missile
What happened to the missile fired by the MiG-25 at the SR-71?
The Soviet MiG-25
The Soviet MiG-25 (NATO code-name “Foxbat”) was a high-speed interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft. The aircraft entered service in 1970 and has a top speed of Mach 2.83, powerful radar, and could carry up to four air-to-air missiles.
The MiG-25’s capabilities were not discovered until 1976 when Viktor Belenko, a Soviet MiG-25 pilot, defected to Japan. Subsequent analysis revealed a simple-yet-functional design with vacuum-tube electronics, two massive turbojet engines, and sparing use of advanced materials such as titanium.
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CLICK HERE to see The Aviation Geek Club contributor Linda Sheffield’s T-shirt designs! Linda has a personal relationship with the SR-71 because her father Butch Sheffield flew the Blackbird from test flight in 1965 until 1973. Butch’s Granddaughter’s Lisa Burroughs and Susan Miller are graphic designers. They designed most of the merchandise that is for sale on Threadless. A percentage of the profits go to Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base. This nonprofit charity is personal to the Sheffield family because they are raising money to house SR-71, #955. This was the first Blackbird that Butch Sheffield flew on Oct. 4, 1965.
A capable interceptor, the MiG-25 was widely exported by the Soviet Union. This aircraft could outrun any fighter in the air, and indeed any military aircraft other than the SR-71 Blackbird.
Loaded with two R-40 missiles (NATO reporting name AA-6 ‘Acrid’), the Foxbat could reach 78,000 feet, but with its full complement of four missiles, it was limited to 68,900 feet. By contrast the Habu flew at cruise speeds above Mach 3 at over 80,000 feet.
The “holy grail” of the soviet air defense system: shooting down a Blackbird
Nevertheless, once an SR-71 Blackbird flown by Col. Darrel Cobb was fired on by a MiG-25, as Cobb himself recalls in this interview given to his son Chris;
Col. Cobb’s SR-71 Blackbird fired on by a MiG-25.
‘Operational missions.
‘First let me assure you; we never broke President Eisenhower’s promise to cease overflying the Soviet Union. We remained over international water – 12 mi offshore.
‘All of my operational flying was from Kadena, Okinawa. Area of interest was Vietnam; Korea; Vladivostok, USSR; China. Later, we flew transatlantic & return from Seymour Johnson, NC supporting the Israel Arab war. After I left the program, the SR flew from Mildenhall, England & Bodo, Norway.
‘We already touched on missions against Vietnam & the only night mission.
‘Today let’s cover “north missions.”
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. Dawn at 80.000ft – SR-71 Blackbird
‘Take off, refuel & head into the Sea of Japan; between Japan & south Korea. Accelerated to operational speed – 3.20. Head directly at Vladivostok. headquarters of USSR air defense; and test/r & d of new radar & intercept development. 2200 mph guaranteed to light up all the radar & intercept systems they had.
‘A MiG-25 interceptor squadron was based just outside of Vladivostok. The “holy grail” of the soviet air defense system was to shoot down an SR-71.
‘Turn north up the Sea of Japan & make a U-turn back down the USSR coast (12 mi offshore) with ELINT & SIGINT recorders going full bore. Photo cameras looking oblique into the USSR, updating the interceptor air order of battle. Head south east till past Vladivostok then turn slightly left then right to cross Korea at the DMZ. Photo cameras updating N. Korea force readiness to resume hostilities against S. Korea.
Missile fired at an SR-71
‘Continue down the yellow sea coast of China. All sensors evaluating China’s threat to Taiwan. Turn left- decel & land at Kadena. I flew this profile several times during the 4 years I flew ops missions. One of these got very, very thrilling. Southbound, passing Vladivostok, Reg (my RSO) announced;
‘”We’ve got a fighter locked on – it’s gotta be a MiG-25″
‘”Our DEF [Defensive Electronic Gear, DEF. It Provided ground-to-air and air-to-air missile protection. Still Classified. Def systems were labeled DEF A,B,C,E and G. Later modifications to the DEF Systems resulted in DEF A2, C2, H and M systems. Nearing retirement of the SR-71, a programmable DEF labeled A2C could defeat all known threats to the Blackbirds] is blanketing all beautifully.”
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‘”Oops – he just fired – – we’ve got a missile locked on”
‘”Our def has shifted to its missile magic”
‘”There – lock’s broken. Missile’s back in search”
‘”That’s weird – sounds like the missile’s locked on – but not locked on us”
‘”He’s gone – coming up on the “s” turn to the DMZ.”’
Fast forward to late 1976 Col. Cobb retired from the Air Force.
MiG-25 at risk of being shot down by its missile
Cobb continues;
‘I’m retired! Learning that retirement means no days off; no vacation; no holidays; big pay cut.
‘I find the aircraft TV channel & history channel. Lots & lots of SR-71 films. I avidly watch at every opportunity. In my den, glued to the TV & today’s SR-71 show, & who do I see comparing the MiG-25 with the SR-71??
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‘You’re right – – Lt Victor Belenko!
‘He was totally gobsmacked; his MiG-25 burned up the engines getting to Mach 3 yet the SR’s cruise speed was greater than 3.0.
‘Belenko is the one who said that the Holy Grail of soviet air defense was to shoot down an SR.
‘He told of how they would pre-position ahead of the SR’s radar track and had to zoom up to get a lock on & fire their missile.
‘Belenko stressed how quickly & precisely they had to perform because the window of opportunity was so very short.
‘Their target was traveling at 3600 ft/sec. Faster than a speeding bullet.
‘He described in detail how precise the post firing breakaway had to be executed to avoid getting shot down by their own missile; talking as though they found this out the “hard way.”’
Cobb Concludes;
‘Man talk about intense attention – – I’m quickly mentally replaying that tape from the inter-phone – –
‘”We’ve got a fighter locked on – it’s gotta be a Mig-25″
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‘”Our DEF is blanketing all beautifully.”
‘”Oops – he just fired – – we’ve got a missile locked on”
‘”Our def has shifted to its missile magic”
‘”There – lock’s broken. Missile’s back in search.
‘”That’s weird – sounds like the missile’s locked on – but not locked on us.”’
What happened to the missile fired by the MiG-25 at the SR-71?
What happened to the missile fired by the MiG-25? Could it have locked onto the Foxbat itself? Could the SR-71 DEF have deceived it? We’ll never know.
However, we can assume that given that SR-71 had a cruise speed faster than the top speed of the MiG-25’s Acrid missiles, the Blackbird simply outran the AA-6. There was no chance a Foxbat could conduct a tail-chase interception of an SR-71 (the MiG-25 couldn’t carry out a head-on intercept of a Blackbird too: in fact, the Foxbat’s radar and fire control system was not sophisticated enough to solve the problems of a head-on intercept at closing speeds that would exceed Mach 5).
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Twitter X Page Habubrats SR-71, Instagram Page SR71Habubrats and Facebook Page Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder Habubrats for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
@Habubrats71 via X
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whencyclopedia · 4 months ago
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Kim Yu-sin
Kim Yu-sin (aka Kim Yushin, 595-673 CE) was a general of the Silla kingdom which ruled south-eastern Korea during the Three Kingdoms Period. Kim would greatly help Silla unify Korea, famously leading a massive army to crush the rival kingdom of Baekje (Paekche) in the 660's CE. His feats won him legendary status in his own lifetime, an elevated position he still enjoys in Korea today.
Early Life & Legends
Kim was a descendant of the royal house of Gaya (Kaya), a confederation which ruled to the west of the Silla kingdom from 42 to 532 CE before it was conquered by its more powerful neighbour. Various legends concerning Kim appear in the Samguk sagi ('Historical Records of the Three States') written in 1146 CE by Gim Busik. One such legend has it that before his birth his father dreamed of the planets Saturn and Mars falling on top of him while his mother dreamed that a small boy came into her room wearing brilliantly shining golden armour while he floated on a cloud, both powerful omens of his future glittering military career.
At the age of 14 he joined the hwarang ('Flower Boys'), a Silla group of elite teenagers who sang and danced and studied the principles of Confucianism and Buddhism. Kim Yu-sin's particular group was known as the 'Band of the Dragon Flower Tree,' and Kim was reportedly a model of good deeds and spirituality. Another legend from the Samguk sagi tells of the time Kim entered a cave in the mountains at age 16. After purifying himself and praying for four days, he swore to heaven that he would battle and defeat the kingdom of Goguryeo (Koguryo) and the Malgal tribes of the north. An old man then sees the young Kim and, on hearing of his resolve, gives him a magic formula of unknown description. One year later Kim, now in a deep valley, goes through the same process and asks the heavens for his sword to be given special powers. After three days a light shines down from the skies and the sword shakes. These legends help to explain the great military feats achieved by Kim when he later becomes a general of the Silla army.
On reaching adulthood he married the sister of his good friend, the celebrated diplomat Gim Chun-chu (aka Kim Chunchu, d. 661 CE) and later helped him take the throne of Silla as King Muyeol (r. 654-661 CE) and forge closer relations with China's powerful Tang dynasty (618-907 CE). Together, the pair is known as 'the Two Kims.' King Muyeol then took as his queen the youngest sister of Kim Yushin, who, with her royal Gaya lineage, helped to provide greater unity to the new Unified Kingdom of Silla.
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vincentspork · 2 years ago
You've probably seen this gif at some point if you've been using the internet for a while:
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This is from a Korean computer program called D-Player, which was intended to help people learn dance routines. I believe it started off as a wholly free program, but somewhere down the road, the programmers officially partnered with music labels and offered paid content. Ultimately it dwindled into obscurity as streaming video overtook services of this nature, with this program's legacy living on as funny gifs of a little dancing cat, stolen graphics cropping up in karaoke machines, and this everpresent image file persevering all these decades later.
This gif is specifically of the choreography to 클레오 (CLEO)'s "착각" (literally "Illusion"), which, as far as anyone call tell, may have only ever popped up on a few compilations in the group's twilight days, not even seeing the light of day as a physical single or even an album track - so the fact that it's endured, as it were, is fascinating in and of itself. Nobody's even sure if this is the official routine, as no footage seems to exist of the group performing this song.
Anyway, I was curious about CLEO, themselves - they're reportedly one-hit wonders in South Korea. For whatever reason, their 4th (of 5 total) album, their 2004 self-titled, is on Spotify streaming (US). It's almost painfully by the numbers late 90s/early 2000s r&b pop but it's very good. Guy who's only listened to Linnea Handberg - This Is Who I Am (2000) listening to any other mid-noughties pop album: kinda getting some This Is Who I Am vibes from this? Wait the seventh track is like a faster version of Ann Lee's 2 Times. That's amazing
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frank-olivier · 4 months ago
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Semiconductors: The Driving Force Behind Technological Advancements
The semiconductor industry is a crucial part of our modern society, powering everything from smartphones to supercomputers. The industry is a complex web of global interests, with multiple players vying for dominance.
Taiwan has long been the dominant player in the semiconductor industry, with Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) accounting for 54% of the market in 2020. TSMC's dominance is due in part to the company's expertise in semiconductor manufacturing, as well as its strategic location in Taiwan. Taiwan's proximity to China and its well-developed infrastructure make it an ideal location for semiconductor manufacturing.
However, Taiwan's dominance also brings challenges. The company faces strong competition from other semiconductor manufacturers, including those from China and South Korea. In addition, Taiwan's semiconductor industry is heavily dependent on imports, which can make it vulnerable to supply chain disruptions.
China is rapidly expanding its presence in the semiconductor industry, with the government investing heavily in research and development (R&D) and manufacturing. China's semiconductor industry is led by companies such as SMIC and Tsinghua Unigroup, which are rapidly expanding their capacity. However, China's industry still lags behind Taiwan's in terms of expertise and capacity.
South Korea is another major player in the semiconductor industry, with companies like Samsung and SK Hynix owning a significant market share. South Korea's semiconductor industry is known for its expertise in memory chips such as DRAM and NAND flash. However, the industry is heavily dependent on imports, which can make it vulnerable to supply chain disruptions.
The semiconductor industry is experiencing significant trends, including the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), and the increasing demand for 5G technology. These trends are driving semiconductor demand, which is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.
However, the industry also faces major challenges, including a shortage of skilled workers, the increasing complexity of semiconductor manufacturing and the need for more sustainable and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.
To overcome the challenges facing the industry, it is essential to invest in research and development, increase the availability of skilled workers and develop more sustainable and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. By working together, governments, companies and individuals can ensure that the semiconductor industry remains competitive and sustainable, and continues to drive innovation and economic growth in the years to come.
Chip War, the Race for Semiconductor Supremacy (2023) (TaiwanPlus Docs, October 2024)
Dr. Keyu Jin, a tenured professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, argues that many in the West misunderstand China’s economic and political models. She maintains that China became the most successful economic story of our time by shifting from primarily state-owned enterprises to an economy more focused on entrepreneurship and participation in the global economy.
Dr. Keyu Jin: Understanding a Global Superpower - Another Look at the Chinese Economy (Wheeler Institute for Economy, October 2024)
Dr. Keyu Jin: China's Economic Prospects and Global Impact (Global Institute For Tomorrow, July 2024)
The following conversation highlights the complexity and nuance of Xi Jinping's ideology and its relationship to traditional Chinese thought, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the internal dynamics of the Chinese Communist Party and the ongoing debates within the Chinese system.
Dr. Kevin Rudd: On Xi Jinping - How Xi's Marxist Nationalism Is Shaping China and the World (Asia Society, October 2024)
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
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seoul-bros · 1 year ago
Spotify Wrapped - The Highlights
Jimin No.1 Most Played Artist in South Korea. JK, BTS, V, Agust D and JHope also on the list.
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Seven and Like Crazy listed on the Today's Top Hits Presents Best Hit Songs of 2023
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Angel Part 2 listed on Best TV and Movie Tracks of 2023
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V with three tracks on the TrenChill K - R&B list. JK, Jimin and JHope also making the list.
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Post Date: 29/11/2023
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mercyfuls · 11 months ago
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⊠    ɪᴅ  .  .  .  ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ    ›› JIA “ JULIA ” YUN ;
• thirty4 + agender + any pronouns . • intelligence agent ; on the payroll for twelve years . • agent arachne : string manipulation .
backroom deals and back alley fistfights ; tripwires as fine as spider silk ; always wanting something more ; a future just out of reach .
a. full name : jia yun b. preferred name : julia c. aliases : assorted. most used include erin choi & june kim
d. age : thirty-four ( 34 ) e. date of birth : 26 august 2014 f. place of birth : seoul, south korea
g. gender : none h. pronouns : they / he / she i. orientation : demisexual
j. hometown : seoul, south korea k. current residence : apex city, united states
l. first language : korean m. subsequent languages : english, french, mandarin
n. highest education : bachelor of information technology
o. years employed : twelve ( 12 ) p. faction : intelligence q. previous faction : junior r. codename : arachne
s. mutation : string manipulation t. strengths : resourceful, creative u. weaknesses : stubborn, inefficient
v. father : juhwan yun ( sixty-four, hr professional ) w. mother : seonmi ju ( sixty-five, emergency nurse ) x. siblings : none.
born in seoul, south korea to an ordinary couple, jia yun was never an easy child. disgruntled by the mundanity of their upbringing, they sought to inflict excitement on the neighbourhood — no matter the means or cost. as a small child, this mostly involved making " potions " of mud, grass and flowers, peddling them to every unfortunate passerby, and inventing fantastical worlds of magic, death and science fiction to coerce the other children into playing with them, but as they grew older other things began to draw their attention.
first it was getting suspended from school for setting off fireworks in the playground — raising serious questions of where a five-year-old even got fireworks from. then it was emulating a tv show hacker and displaying threatening messages on public computers — a visit from the police was arranged, though it did very little to actually get through to jia.
they were sixteen when they started getting involved in actual crime. petty theft from convenience stores turned into bigger theft — electronics, valuables, etc — and by the time they were nineteen, jia was somewhat notorious amongst petty criminals — and the police.
their first foray into law enforcement came in university, when the police recruited them in a quid-pro-quo sort of deal ( help us out and we'll wipe a couple things off your record ) to track down a big time criminal through the internet. this was the moment julia discovered there could be excitement on both sides of the law.
discovering this did not stop jia's dabbling in the criminal sphere, of course, but it did offer them another outlet to evade boredom without the implications on their future. this continued for a few years, until just after graduation jia was approached by a mercy agent scouting for the organisation. naturally, julia said yes, the opportunity being a perfect outlet for them and far more interesting than a career in i.t.
two years of training as a junior agent later, julia graduated to being an intelligence agent and immediately opted in to becoming a radiant. string manipulation hasn't proven to be terribly useful thus far — though it allows them to create excellent tripwires and garottes, and useful for intimidation tactics in interrogations, it's not terribly useful in the computer area, which is where julia prefers to be.
⊠    ɪᴅ  .  .  .  ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ    ››    [    kim  hieora    /      thirty4    /    agender    /    they/he/she    ]   mercy  headquarters  is  pleased  to  officially  introduce  JIA  “JULIA”  YUN.  they  have  been  apart  of  the  organization  for  twelve  years,  serving  as  AN  INTELLIGENCE  agent  and  has  been  assigned  the  codename  AGENT  ARACHNE.  it's  worth  noting  that  their  file  indicates  they  have  undergone  the  solaris  treatment  and  host  STRING MANPULATION.  according  to  our  dossier,  the  agent  exhibits  a  combination  of  CREATIVITY  and  OBSTINANCE,  fitting  for  someone  reminiscent  of  backroom  deals  and  back  alley  fistfights  ;  tripwires  as  fine  as  spider  silk  ;  always  wanting  something  more  ;  a  future  just  out  of  reach.  prior  to  embarking  on  any  mission,  the  find  solace  in  listening  to  the  song  “stippling“  by  DOUBLE  FACE.  (  thyme.  twenty1.  they/them.  aedt.  none  )
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garlichoisan · 2 years ago
𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐡 - profiles
[an ATEEZ social media au]
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Crush Rush: A feeling of happiness that occurs when a person thinks of, looks at, or interacts in any way with the person they like. Usually impairs one's judgements, resulting in saying or doing stupid things.
➼ masterlist
San was often told that he was everything a girl wanted to date: handsome, funny and smart. That was until they got to know him better. Then he was told he was too much, too overwhelming, had too many emotions and was too chaotic. Thus his experience with dating was not as good as one would have thought. The problem: he has the biggest crush on a girl he met whilst studying abroad. But every time he messages his crush, he seems to mess things up further and further. With the help of his hyperactive friends he tries to win Ara's heart but before that, he has to convince her he doesn't actually hate her.
if you wanna be added to the taglist, please just send an ask! 💟
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D I S C L A I M E R S :
1)ㅤCrush Rush used to be a social media au for another group but I’ve decided to rebrand it using ATEEZ. The overall story and characters are the same, I just assigned a member to every character and changed some small details. This new version is also gonna be (hopefully) an improvement of the previous one, since it’s gonna be more detailed; besides, I believe my writing is slightly better compared to when I first started the story in September 2020.
2)❗️This story is x READER. It’s f!reader and I gave her a name because I dislike using Y/N but I’ve abstained from giving detailed descriptions of her to improve the reading experience for the people who like x reader stories. My main character is a Korean-American so she has two names: the American one is Aria and the Korean one is Ara.
3) There are quite a few ships in this story so if this is not your cup of tea, feel free to skip. However, note that I DON’T BELIEVE any of those people are dating in real life and I’m not pushing any agenda. I’m just using ships because of the characters, it’s for the aesthetic of the story. Some of the ships you may encounter are Seonghwa & Hongjoong and some weirder ones like Le Sserafim’s Chaewon & Mingi, as well as past Chaewon & Wooyoung. Again, I’m not shipping the actual people who have probably never even interacted properly. Future WooSan is possible too.
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Ara & San
They met while San and his friends were studying abroad in the USA branch of KQ University for an year (the next year they transferred back to the same university but the one based in South Korea). Even though they haven’t interacted much, San felt an instant connection with her and quickly develops a crush on her that he decides to act on years later.
Ara & Chaewon
Best friends who are in the same major, Applied Linguistics. They’re studying in the USA branch of KQ University.
San & Wooyoung
Best friends turned rivals, but not really. Their relationship becomes more complicated after an unfortunate discovery which threatens to destroy their precious friendship.
San, Wooyoung, Mingi & Hongjoong
They are close friends who share an apartment in South Korea since they’re studying in the KQ University there. They have a group chat and their relationship is usually playful, but sometimes, due to their personality differences, some serious problems arise.
➼ and more to be revealed later in the story 👀
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nmsc-market-pulse · 6 months ago
Unilumin Group Co.: Pioneering the Future of LED Displays Market in the Asia-Pacific Market
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In the ever-evolving landscape of the global LED Display Market, Unilumin Group Co. stands out as a prominent player driving innovation and growth. As the Asia-Pacific region continues to dominate the global LED display market, Unilumin’s strategic maneuvers and cutting-edge developments make it a key contributor to this burgeoning sector.
This article delves into how Unilumin Group Co. is shaping the future of LED displays through strategic initiatives, emerging innovations, and notable developments.
Download FREE Sample: https://www.nextmsc.com/led-display-market/request-sample
The Dominance of the Asia-Pacific LED Display Market
Asia-Pacific’s dominance in the LED display market is a result of rapid urbanization, increased advertising spending, and a growing emphasis on advanced communication technologies.
Countries like China, Japan, South Korea, and India are at the forefront of this trend, investing heavily in infrastructure and smart city projects that incorporate LED displays for dynamic advertising, public information, and entertainment.
Unilumin Group Co., headquartered in Shenzhen, China, is a pivotal player in this market, leveraging the region’s growth to propel its innovations and expand its market presence.
Unilumin Group Co.: An Overview
Founded in 2004, Unilumin Group Co. has emerged as a global leader in the design, manufacture, and distribution of LED display solutions. The company specializes in providing high-quality LED displays for a wide range of applications, including digital signage, indoor and outdoor events, and transportation systems. With a focus on research and development, Unilumin is committed to pushing the boundaries of LED technology and setting new standards in the industry.
Strategic Initiatives and Market Penetration
Unilumin’s strategy is centered on innovation, quality, and market expansion. Key aspects of their strategy include:
R&D Investment: Unilumin places a strong emphasis on research and development to stay ahead of technological trends and market demands. The company invests heavily in developing new LED technologies, such as micro-LED and mini-LED, which offer superior performance, energy efficiency, and resolution compared to traditional LED displays.
Global Expansion: While the Asia-Pacific region remains a core market, Unilumin is also focused on expanding its presence in other regions, including North America and Europe. This global approach helps diversify its revenue streams and reduces dependence on any single market.
Strategic Partnerships: Unilumin has formed strategic alliances with key players in the technology and advertising industries. These partnerships enable the company to leverage complementary expertise and co-develop advanced solutions that meet evolving market needs.
Sustainability: Unilumin is committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly practices into its manufacturing processes and product designs. The company’s energy-efficient LED displays contribute to reduced carbon footprints, aligning with global environmental goals.
Emerging Innovations and Technological Advancements
Unilumin’s commitment to innovation is evident in its continuous development of advanced LED technologies. Some notable innovations include:
Micro-LED Technology: Micro-LED displays are known for their exceptional brightness, contrast, and color accuracy. Unilumin has been at the forefront of this technology, developing high-resolution micro-LED displays that are revolutionizing digital signage and entertainment sectors.
Mini-LED Technology: Mini-LED is another area of focus for Unilumin. This technology improves contrast ratios and color reproduction while maintaining energy efficiency. Mini-LED displays are gaining traction in various applications, including consumer electronics and professional display systems.
Smart LED Solutions: Unilumin is incorporating smart technologies into its LED displays, such as Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity and artificial intelligence (AI). These smart features enhance the functionality of LED displays, allowing for real-time data analytics, remote management, and interactive experiences.
High-Resolution and Curved Displays: Unilumin has developed high-resolution and curved LED displays that offer immersive visual experiences for applications such as command centers, control rooms, and large-scale events. These displays provide exceptional image clarity and adaptability to various viewing environments.
Notable Developments and Projects
Unilumin’s portfolio of high-profile projects and developments underscores its leadership in the LED display market. Some notable achievements include:
Major Sporting Events: Unilumin has been involved in providing LED displays for significant sporting events, including the Olympics and international football tournaments. These projects highlight the company’s capability to deliver large-scale, high-performance display solutions.
Smart City Projects: In line with Asia-Pacific’s urbanization trends, Unilumin has participated in several smart city initiatives. The company’s LED displays are used for public information, transportation updates, and interactive cityscapes, contributing to the development of smarter and more connected urban environments.
Iconic Architectural Installations: Unilumin’s LED displays have been featured in landmark architectural projects, such as high-profile building facades and digital billboards. These installations showcase the company’s ability to integrate LED technology into aesthetically striking and functional designs.
As the Asia-Pacific region continues to lead the global LED display market, Unilumin Group Co. stands out as a trailblazer in innovation and market strategy. Through its commitment to research and development, global expansion, strategic partnerships, and sustainability, Unilumin is well-positioned to drive the future of LED display technology.
The company’s advancements in micro-LED, mini-LED, and smart display solutions, combined with its involvement in major projects and smart city initiatives, underscore its pivotal role in shaping the LED display market both regionally and globally.
As urbanization and technological advancements continue to evolve, Unilumin’s contributions will undoubtedly play a significant role in defining the next generation of LED display solutions.
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for-yoongi0309 · 2 years ago
BTS’ Suga on going solo, his love of hip-hop and the band’s future:
‘We’re real brothers, period’
“If I do well, that’s good,” says Suga. “If my family members do well, that’s even better.”
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However you look at the current purgatory for K-pop superstars BTS — a long-expected pause for military service, a renewed focus on solo careers or an existential crisis for the genre — there are significant stakes not just for the group, but for the global music industry. While the seven members of the most successful act in South Korean history take turns, based on their respective birthdates, performing mandatory 18-month turns in the military — Jin and J-Hope are currently serving — those not yet conscripted have the chance to reestablish themselves as solo acts, after six chart-topping Billboard albums and six No. 1 Hot 100 singles. For the band’s label, Hybe, in the midst of a global acquisition spree, billions of dollars are potentially on the line. Bang Si-hyuk, Hybe chairman, recently stated that there is no set date for BTS’ comeback as a group, though he hopes they can return in 2025. Before beginning his military term later this year, group member Suga is touring U.S. arenas on the back of his solo debut album, “D-Day,” performed under the alias Agust D (he has two other mixtapes as Agust D). The dark, smoldering rap album debuted at No. 2 on the Billboard 200.
This week, Suga will perform three sold-out shows at Inglewood’s Kia Forum, on May 10, 11 and 14. However, he swears, he’s not competitive about it with his bandmates. “Are you competitive with your family members? Do you get jealous if your brother or your sister does well?” he asked with a laugh during a Zoom interview (Suga spoke through a Korean translator). “We’re real brothers, period. If I do well, that’s good. If my family members do well, that’s even better.”
Suga’s Agust D alias has long turned heads within the BTS solo-project sphere. Sometimes, those heads nearly get decapitated via giant ritual temple sword, as in his 2020 video for the rowdy “Daechwita.” Other times, they get stabbed right through with a pair of chopsticks, as Suga does himself in the deliciously grisly, “Oldboy”-worthy video for the new single “Haegeum.” It’s tough to square this genuinely transgressive solo artist with the snazzy-suited, fleet-footed heartthrob harmonizing on a Hot 100 hit like “Butter.” Devoted BTS Army fans know that Suga has an underground streak from his pre-BTS days, cribbing production notes from pioneering Korean rap acts like Epik High.
“Some bright and cheerful songs go into BTS,” he said. “But I’ve been doing music without any filter all the time, so I wouldn’t differentiate between Agust D or Suga, because all those are all me.” Still, “D-Day” is a standout, and not just for the sub-shaking production and gory videos. “Haegeum” is lacerating about modern life in South Korea: “Maybe we do it to ourselves/ Slaves to capitalism, slaves to money / Slaves to hatred and prejudice/ Slaves to YouTube, slaves to flexin’.” – Then he turns his blade on the internet culture that fascinates and destroys young people “Endless influx of information prohibits freedom of imagination / And seeks conformity of thought / All these painful noises blind you.”
“We’re living a life that’s better than ever before,” Suga said. “Some say we all live better lives than the king hundreds of years ago. But everything we worry about is coming too fast. Everyone’s lonely without having a sense of belonging, we can’t relate to the things that our parents have experienced, like being obsessed with accomplishments. Nobody feels a sense of belonging.”
Suga’s not immune from self-criticism, either. On “People Pt. 2,” with K-pop R&B singer IU, he sorts out his wariness around intimacy. “Selflessness can actually be selfish too, it’s true / It’s actually my greed when I say that it’s all for you.” – “This thing called love … it’s conditional,” he sings. “Wasn’t loved enough as a kid, that’s why I’m the cautious type.” Suga, born Min Yoon-gi, famously broke down in tears after seeing his formerly reluctant parents attend a BTS show in 2016. What did they make of that song?
“I don’t actually let my parents listen to my music before it’s released because there’s so many swear words,” Suga answered with a laugh. “My parents only listen to BTS songs. Things are good with us.”
On one hand, being in a globally famous act means any slip-up could be perilous. On the other, BTS-size stardom and a reputation for real artistry allow for uncommon candor, said Sang Cho, co-founder of the L.A.-based K-pop distribution and event firm KAI Media. “Suga and RM are to BTS what Lennon and McCartney were to the Beatles. Every member is talented, but these two are definitely the driving force behind their music,” Cho said. “I think Suga is a bit more Lennon — more explicit in his anti-establishment sensibilities. ‘Haegeum’ is a double entendre of a traditional Korean string instrument and wordplay on ‘liberation from restrictions.’”
“D-Day” also reflects on the music that helped Suga become a serious artist. His track “Snooze” was one of the late Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto’s last collaborations, an artful yet stern track that brought Suga back to his teenage days learning to sample. “I’m not really good at piano, but I remember playing ‘Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence’ all day when I was young,” Suga said. “It’s impossible not to be influenced by him if you’re born in Korea. When I was young, I needed instrumentals without voice to sample, so I reversed and chopped his music. I am very grateful I can call him a mentor even though I only met him once.”
While Suga is playfully cynical about accolades like Grammy Awards — “Isn’t that a local thing?” he joked, echoing South Korean director Bong Joon-ho’s quip about the Oscars — he has nuanced thoughts about his place in hip-hop. “I did have that differentiation when I was younger. I hoped that [rap fans] would approve of my music,” he said. “But I have this very firm belief that if I go to a hip-hop concert, where there’ll be only hip-hop fans, well, BTS fans are hip-hop fans too. I’m a huge fan of hip-hop, but what’s important here is that it’s not empty words to do music for the people that have sent you love and support.” – As the members of BTS sort out these years in transition, they’re still in one another’s lives. BTS’ Jimin debuted atop the Hot 100 with “Like Crazy” in March. Suga can’t wait to be in the crowd cheering for his bandmates when their times come.
“If you live for 13 years in one house under the same roof 24/7, you become a family,” Suga said. “A lot of people think that the relationships between K-pop band members are kind of fake, but that’s not true. For me, it’s more like, ‘Oh, Jimin, hi! You made it to the Hot 100, I’m so proud of you!’”
© LATimes
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yanxidarlings · 1 year ago
general headcanons
◯ turkey / sadik adnan
◯ prussia / gilbert beilschmidt
◯ america / alfred f jones
◯ finland / tino väinämöinen
◯ ukraine / irina chernenko
◯ romano / lovino vargas
◯ australia / jett kirkland
platonic/romantic headcanons
◯ platonic england
◯ platonic nordics
individual headcanons
◯ shy with america
◯ superhero-esque with america
◯ platonic yandere with america
◯ daydreams with america
◯ uncivilised with england
◯ victorian poc with england
◯ childhood friend with hong kong
group headcanons
◯ heartbroken with the axis
◯ disappointed with the axis
◯ anxious with the axis
◯ unhappily married with the allies
◯ aroace with the allies
◯ lesbian with the allies
◯ refusing to eat with the allies
◯ insecure with the nordics
◯ sickly with the italy brothers
◯ pugnacious with the german brothers
◯ psychopath with eng-ita-ame
◯ androphobia with eng-spa-can
◯ otome with ger-eng-ame
◯ bosses relative with ger-eng-ame
◯ sociable with ger-eng-rus
◯ sharing with ger-eng-pru
◯ lovestruck with ger-swe-spa
◯ reciprocated yandere with rus-ame
◯ rejected proposal with rus-ger
yandere vs yandere
◯ austria vs switzerland
◯ ukraine vs belarus
◯ hungary vs romania
◯ england vs romania
◯ russia vs germany
◯ america vs russia
◯ america vs germany (p2, p3)
◯ norway vs iceland
◯ hong kong vs south korea
◯ greece vs turkey vs egypt
yandere alphabet
◯ D,M,Z with america
◯ F,H,I with america
◯ C,D,H with prussia
◯ D,A,Y with australia
◯ J,Q,U with the baltics
◯ D,W,Z with ame-can-fra
◯ X,S with eng-ger-rus
◯ F,L,M with eng-pru
◯ B,J,T with rus-ame
◯ E,K,R with ice-jap
◯ A,P,Y with hk-tai-mac
yandere discussion
◯ unrequited yandere
◯ warmonger
◯ fake broken
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usafphantom2 · 1 year ago
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Aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford will return from mission in defense of Israel
The largest aircraft carrier in the United States returns from the Mediterranean Sea, where it has been parked for almost three months.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/01/2024 - 08:27in Military, War Zones
The U.S. Navy has determined that its largest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), will return home after a nearly three-month mission to defend Israel in the Middle East.
The USS Gerald Ford has been stationed at a close distance of Israel's attack in the Mediterranean Sea since October, in an effort to prevent the country's war against Hamas from turning into a regional conflict. However, the U.S. Navy states that the ship will begin its journey back home "in the next few days" and will be replaced by the USS Bataan - an amphibious assault ship named after a battle fought in the Philippines during World War II.
The USS Gerald R. Ford is one of the largest aircraft carriers in the world and the latest and most advanced aircraft carrier in the United States. He was already in the Mediterranean - involved in naval exercises with Italy - before receiving orders to provide support to Israel's Defense Forces after the October 7 terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas.
“Immediately after Hamas' brutal attack on Israel, the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group was ordered to go to the eastern Mediterranean to contribute to our regional deterrence and defense posture,” the U.S. Navy said in a statement.
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U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin extended Ford's detachment three times in the hope that his presence would dissuade Iran and groups aligned with Iran, especially Hezbollah from Lebanon, from attacking Israel.
The ship, which carried about 5,000 sailors and more than 100 warplanes in eight squadrons, is now returning to its naval base in Virginia. However, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower will remain in the Red Sea to face the recent attacks on commercial ships perpetrated by Yemen's Houthi rebels.
“The DoD (Department of Defense) will continue to leverage its posture of collective force in the region to dissuade any state or non-state actor from escalating this crisis beyond Gaza,” the Navy said.
At the end of October, a U.S. Navy warship located in the northern Red Sea shot down three cruise missiles along with a batch of drones that were launched from Yemen and appeared to target Israel, the Pentagon said.
Tags: Military Aviationaircraft carrierUSN - United States Navy/U.S. NavyWar Zones - Middle East
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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jcmarchi · 8 months ago
US launches $1.6B bid to outpace Asia in packaging tech
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/us-launches-1-6b-bid-to-outpace-asia-in-packaging-tech/
US launches $1.6B bid to outpace Asia in packaging tech
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The US is betting big on the future of semiconductor technology, launching a $1.6 billion competition to revolutionise chip packaging and challenge Asia’s longstanding dominance in the field. On July 9, 2024, the US Department of Commerce unveiled its ambitious plan to turbocharge domestic advanced packaging capabilities, a critical yet often overlooked aspect of semiconductor manufacturing. 
This move, part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s CHIPS for America program, comes as the US seeks to revitalise its semiconductor industry and reduce dependence on foreign suppliers. Advanced packaging, a crucial step in semiconductor production, has long been dominated by Asian countries like Taiwan and South Korea. By investing heavily in this area, the US aims to reshape the global semiconductor landscape and position itself at the forefront of next-generation chip technology, marking a significant shift in the industry’s balance of power.
US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo emphasised the importance of this move, stating, “President Biden was clear that we need to build a vibrant domestic semiconductor ecosystem here in the US, and advanced packaging is a huge part of that. Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to investing in America, the US will have multiple advanced packaging options across the country and push the envelope in new packaging technologies.”
The competition will focus on five key R&D areas: equipment and process integration, power delivery and thermal management, connector technology, chiplets ecosystem, and co-design/electronic design automation. The Department of Commerce anticipates making several awards of approximately $150 million each in federal funding per research area, leveraging additional investments from industry and academia.
This strategic investment comes at a crucial time, as emerging AI applications are pushing the boundaries of current technologies. Advanced packaging allows for improvements in system performance, reduced physical footprint, lower power consumption, and decreased costs – all critical factors in maintaining technological leadership.
The Biden-Harris Administration’s push to revitalise American semiconductor manufacturing comes as the global chip shortage has highlighted the risks of overreliance on foreign suppliers. Asia, particularly Taiwan, currently dominates the advanced packaging market. According to a 2021 report by the Semiconductor Industry Association, the US accounts for only 3% of global packaging, testing, and assembly capacity, while Taiwan holds a 54% share, followed by China at 16%.
Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Director Laurie E. Locascio outlined an ambitious vision for the program: “Within a decade, through R&D funded by CHIPS for America, we will create a domestic packaging industry where advanced node chips manufactured in the US and abroad can be packaged within the States and where innovative designs and architectures are enabled through leading-edge packaging capabilities.”
The announcement builds on previous efforts by the CHIPS for America program. In February 2024, the program released its first funding opportunity for the National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program (NAPMP), focusing on advanced packaging substrates and substrate materials. That initiative garnered significant interest, with over 100 concept papers submitted from 28 states. On May 22, 2024, eight teams were selected to submit complete applications for funding of up to $100 million each over five years.
According to Laurie, the goal is to create multiple high-volume packaging facilities by the decade’s end and reduce reliance on Asian supply lines that pose a security risk that the US “just can’t accept.” In short, the government is prioritising ensuring America’s leadership in all elements of semiconductor manufacturing, “of which advanced packaging is one of the most exciting and critical areas,” White House spokeswoman Robyn Patterson said.
The latest competition is expected to attract significant interest from the US semiconductor ecosystem and shift that balance. It promises substantial federal funding and the opportunity to shape the future of American chip manufacturing. As the global demand for advanced semiconductors continues to grow, driven by AI, 5G, and other emerging technologies, the stakes for technological leadership have never been higher.
As the US embarks on this ambitious endeavour, the world will see if this $1.6 billion bet can challenge Asia’s stronghold on advanced chip packaging and restore America’s position at the forefront of semiconductor innovation.
(Photo by Braden Collum)
See also: Global semiconductor shortage: How the US plans to close the talent gap
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Tags: ai, AI semiconductor, artificial intelligence, chips act, law, legal, Legislation, Politics, semiconductor, usa
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